Together, we care, we grow and we thrive.

On our mission is to
foster sustainable growth, empower innovation, and
make a positive impact
on our world.

Our projects

Bringing you a carefully selected lineup of internationally renowned speakers to an exquisite location in the heart of Transylvania for an incredible hub of learning, networking, and growth.

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Shape the stage with your code

Be part of our passionate hackathon team that will create an engaging app for the National Theatre of Târgu-Mureș, and aims to offer the spectators a practical tool through which they can find information about plays, the acting community & much more!

23-24 Noiembrie

Teatrul Național din Târgu Mureș

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Empowering Women & Fuelling Diversity

We are bringing more women into the tech fold and encouraging them to learn and grow into confident professionals, that can further share their knowledge through digital or in-person events.

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Cultivating a Greener Tomorrow Together

A community-driven initiative focused on environmental stewardship and sustainability. Through tree planting, garbage collection, and various eco-friendly activities, GoGreen aims to foster a cleaner, greener future for our communities.

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Împreună construim și reconstruim: secții, spitale, speranțe. Creăm condiții de tratament ca în Europa de Vest, aici în România. Sprijinim pacienții în cele mai grele momente. Le asigurăm cadrelor medicale necesarul pentru a face tot ceea ce este omenește posibil pentru pacienții lor.


Through its programs, Mures Community Foundation mobilizes resources in the community by supporting local initiatives and shaping local civic spirit. By listening to community needs we create solutions that work!


Ne dorim să contribuim la scăderea numărului copiilor care mor în fiecare an înainte de a împlini vârsta de 1 an. Facem asta prin dezvoltarea unei retele de telemedicină între toate secțiile de Terapie Intensivă Nou-Născuți din România,  prin dotarea și modernizarea secțiilor de terapie intensivă nou-născuți,  dar și prin proiectul de construire de la 0 a unei noi secții de terapie intensivă nou-născuți la Târgu-Mureș.


Get involved

Your support fuels our mission to empower communities and foster growth. Whether you choose to donate or reach out to us directly, your involvement is invaluable.

Together, we can create positive change and build a brighter future!

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